Rhineland Battlefield Tours


Operation Veritable, also known as the Battle of the Reichswald, was a military operation of the British 21st Army Group led by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery during the Second World War. It was the northern half of a pincer movement to free the area between the Ruhr and the Rhine. The operation took place between 8 February and 11 March 1945.
The 21st Army Group at that time consisted of the British 2nd Army (incl. Lieutenant General Miles Dempsey), the Canadian 1st Army (incl. General Harry Crerar) and the American 9th Army (incl. Lieutenant General William H. Simpson). While the British second army would defend the northern flank, the fortified Canadian first army would push through the Reichswald to the Rhine. The US Ninth Army was to carry out Operation Grenade, the southern half of the force movement.
During our tour we deal with the British advance through and around the Reichswald, and the Canadian attack on Wyler and the Ooy polder.
During the tour of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division you will get an explanation about:
Start and construction of the operation with an explanation of the tasks of the various divisions.
Attack towards Kranenburg.
German defense, deployment of the English and Canadian units and artillery shelling during the opening phase.
Phase two: Attack on the Siegfried Line on the night of 8/9 February east of Kranenburg.
Visit to the German War Cemetery Donsbruggen
Attack on the Matterborn and Kleve. -
Scottish Division continues their attack towards the Sternberg & downtown Kleve (10 & 11 Feb 45).
Passage south of Kleve of the 214 Brigade (43rd Wessex) on 10 & 11 Feb 45.
Attack and counterattack in Bedburg Hau (214 Brigade 11/12 Feb 45) also the German response to this action.
Number on Moyland woods by the 46th Brigade.
Attack towards Goch. -
Attack on the north side of the city of Goch.

During the tour of the 51st (Highland) Division you will get an explanation about:
Start and construction of the operation with an explanation of the tasks of the various divisions.
Attack on the Reichswald and the Jansberg.
German defense in the Reichswald (84 Inf Div)
Liberation from Gennep. -
Attack of the 152nd Brigade along the south side of the Reichswald and the fighting at Hekkens.
Visit to the British War Cemetery in the Reichswald.
Attack on the bridgeheads Viller Müll and Hassum.
Conquest of Kessel and the thrust towards Goch.
Conquest of the southern part of Goch by the 152 & 153 Brigade.
Final battle south of Goch at Thomashof.

All battlefield tours can be performed. Both in terms of duration (full or half day (s))
and / or all combinations are in principle possible. But ask for books and I am sure we can make good solution for your needs.